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Monday, September 5, 2011

Movie Monday - From Paris With Love

This week's movie is From Paris With Love.  It had mixed reviews.  People either loved it or hated it.  I'm hoping I love it.  You can watch the movie on Netflix Instant Watch.  You can leave your review in the comments below.  I will be leaving mine there as well.


  1. *May contain spoilers*

    From Paris with Love (ironic title btw) is your standard US action movie. Perfect popcorn-entertainment. No more, no less.
    It opens like any other movie of this type. A bit of a mysterious feeling, some clues here and there to tell you the meek and mild guy working at the US Embassy in Paris, France is not only what he looks like to be. Even though he seems like an ordinary clerk with a sexy French girlfriend or was it wife? I forget which.
    Then Travolta shows up - or the character he's playing in this film - and things start to blow up and the body count goes up, as he's teamed up with the clerk guy to driving around Paris shooting bad guys while trying to uncover some kind of plot. After a while the formula of the movie placing some witty (well, kind of witty) dialogue and oneliners scenes in-between action scenes become a tad predictable and boring but the pace is good and it never really slows down. Not to give it all away I will say I enjoyed the ride but just like any amusement park ride-type of movie, it's only really fun while it lasts then you forget what it was about (if you even cared to know) and you leave it behind. Travolta is fun to watch though and the fact that Luc Besson has been involved in the making of the story makes the movie a little better. Also I like the setting being a European city. Feels a bit closer to home for me as a Swede to watch.
    Action scenes are very well made without being exceptionally good and the acting is what it is in this kind of flick.
    Final verdict: OK - but maybe not something I'd watch over and over. At least not right away.

    A nice selection once again.


    I loved this movie. It was not the best action movie I've ever seen but, there were a few badass scenes. Travola's character (Wax) is what made the movie. The movie gave me the same feeling the show Archer does, sarastic, funny, and badass moments. I liked how the story climaxed up till the last 15 minutes before it came a good ending. I would give this movie a watch. Add it to your queue. I'd watch it again.

  3. I must say it again. I like your reviews and your choice of movies for the Movie Club. I hope you will keep this going for awhile. It has got me back to wanting to watch movies on a regular basis.
